By confirming a trip with Morocco Touring you automatically agree to the following Terms and Conditions:


Morocco Touring requires that all travelers obtain travel insurance. Insurance is not included in our prices. Clients are entirely responsible for arranging their own insurance.  It is the lead client who shall be responsible for ensuring that all members of the party have adequate and appropriate insurance for the trip.  The “lead client” means the person who makes the booking.  All members of client’s party must be adequately covered by comprehensive travel insurance that includes coverage for personal injury, accidents, emergency and medical evacuation by helicopter or other, repatriation, and all medical expenses etc. prior to or during the holiday and covers loss of monies due to flight cancellation, loss of luggage and changes of the holiday for insurable reasons.

It is the client’s sole responsibility to insure that any and all sports/activities that client engages in on the tour (including but not limited to horseback riding, quad biking, camel trekking, and water sports) are covered by client’s policy.

We do not require copy of any travel insurance documents, but we ask you to have your insurance provider’s name, policy number, and phone number and emergency contact details. Morocco Touring assumes no responsibility to cover anyone’s medical costs, evacuation or transport in any situation.  Coverage for the entire period of your tour is mandatory before commencement of your excursion.


It is client’s sole responsibility to have the required documentation to travel to Morocco; comply with current passport, visa and health requirements; and take all necessary documents with them to gain entry to any country or region which is part of the tour.  For Morocco it is important that you make sure your passport is valid for at least six (6) months starting from the date you intend to travel to Morocco.  Depending on your country of residence or origin, you may have to obtain a visa before arrival.  We strongly recommend that you check your government’s website or contact the Moroccan consulate or embassy for the most updated travel requirements.  Requirements can change and the client will be solely responsible for any cost, loss or damage which a client or we incur as a result of a failure to obtain all necessary passports, visas and/or vaccinations.


It is important that all clients follow the instructions of the staff at all times regarding the safety and well-being of the group during the tours and at the accommodations.  We reserve the right to require any person to leave the tour if we determine that their acts or conduct are offensive to other clients or persons, and we shall have no liability to any such dismissed person.

All persons must at all times strictly comply with the laws, respect local traditions and customs, and drug regulations of Morocco. Should any member of the party fail to do so then that person may be ordered to leave the tour without any refund, compensation or any other legal recourse against us.  You must refrain from using drugs; drinking alcohol in public not permitted places; and if you must smoke you should only do so only in permitted areas.

During the tour we request that you be polite to other clients, the guides, driver(s) and anyone you come in contact with during the trip in Morocco and avoid offending others around you.  We also ask that you be flexible and understanding in the event of circumstances that require itineraries to be modified under certain conditions.


Online booking is not available on our website.

Booking a tour with Morocco Touring can be made via phone, using our contact form or by email at If you wish to book any tour/trip, please send us with the following information:

Name of the tour you wish to take or let us know if you would like us to prepare a customized tour for you;

The planned start date:

Number of persons in your party including children; and

All names and nationalities of each person including surnames as it appears on their passport; as well as contact information.

Upon receipt of your inquiries/reservations by e-mail, or phone we send you a proposed program.  Once you agree with the program and rates, you will receive a final program and pre-confirmation invoice.

The booking will be confirmed only after we receive your deposit as set forth in the next section.


Unless otherwise stated in the tour description, the prices shown are based on two persons.  In the case of a group larger than 6 persons please contact us for a customized offer.

Children between the ages of 2-5 are entitled to a discount if they are in shared accommodations with their parents.

Our prices include three to four star standard accommodations based on double occupancy.  If you should desire a different type of accommodation for example based on single occupancy or a higher class of accommodation, please inform us at the time of booking.

For more detailed information about our services and the costs included in the price please check the itinerary section for all tours.


A deposit of 20% of the total price is required before we can confirm a booking for a tour.  Upon receipt of the deposit, we will confirm your tour arrangements in writing and provide you with a detailed itinerary and invoice.  We reserve the right to change the price, the services, or other details before written confirmation is issued.

Please note that all costs of payment(s) transferred via bank, via PayPay or wired through Western Union or other cash transfer offices are not included in the tour price, all such costs shall be borne entirely by you.

The deposit is non-refundable but can be credited to the cost of an alternative trip taken within one year of the original start date of your travel arrangements less costs incurred e.g. hotel cancellation fees.

Deposit payments can be made by electronic bank transfer, via PayPal, or Western Union.   Instructions on how to pay the deposit will be sent to you in writing when we confirm availability.   All the bookings are secured after we receive the initial deposit.  For group bookings (parties larger than 6), different booking terms will apply and we will notify you of these in writing at the time of booking.

Your reservations are guaranteed once we receive the initial deposit.

The balance of the price is payable at the start date of your travel, to your driver either upon your arrival at the airport or from any other pick up point.  If you choose to pay the driver/guide, the remaining balance is to be paid in cash (Dirhams, Pounds, USD, or Euros). Credit/Debits cards are not accepted locally for security reasons. If you choose to pay the balance in the month before your trip, payments can be made by electronic bank transfer, Western Union, or by credit card via PayPal. Please note that if payment is not received Morocco Touring reserves the right to cancel your tour arrangements and make cancellation charges.

Please note that in case you are not able to pay the total tour fee (including costs of payment) at the beginning of the tour, we will be forced to exclude you from the trip and you will not be able to participate in the tour.  In such event, no deposit will be refunded.

For tours where the payment is not received in time we reserve the right to cancel the hotel reservations that will be re-booked, subject to availability, when payment is received. If the rooms are no longer available alternative options will be proposed and this may affect the price.

In the event that the number of passengers in any tour do not reach the minimum number given in the tour description, the fee shall be adjusted and your will be advised of the price difference.

A binding contract for the provision of a tour by Morocco Touring comes into existence when the necessary deposit or full payment is paid to Morocco Touring and the booking confirmation and invoice is issued to the lead party. Once a binding contract is in place, the client is liable to pay all sums due as stated on the invoice (subject to cancellation or change fees stated below).

The person who makes the booking (the lead passenger) does so on behalf of himself or herself, and of all other people included in it, which means that all are bound by these booking conditions. All are deemed to have read and understood these booking conditions.

When you make a booking you guarantee as lead passenger that you have the authority to accept and do accept on behalf of your party the terms of these booking conditions. If you place your booking by telephone or email you will also be deemed to have signed the declaration on the booking form and to have read and understood these booking conditions.

The contract is between Morocco Touring and the client, who is any person travelling or intending to travel on a trip operated by Morocco Touring.  Morocco Touring or its agents reserve the right to decline any booking at their discretion.


Any requested changes to the itinerary by a client or additional requests (for example meals, room upgrades, activities, etc.) will be subject to availability and may incur additional costs.  Morocco Touring will make every effort to alter your arrangements but cannot be guaranteed particularly during in high season and with certain hotels and riads.

Any requests for changes must be notified to us in writing by the lead client.  You will only be allowed to make any change to confirmed tour bookings more than four weeks before the start date of the booked tour. Amendments to your booking within 30 days of the start date of your travel arrangements will incur additional costs.

Please be advised that many small riads in Morocco, with less than ten rooms, have up to a one-month cancellation policy and insist on full payment during this timeframe.   As such, changes requested by you, that include any hotel or riad cancellation within 30 days of the start date of your travel, may therefore incur additional costs.

Should you desire to make a change to your itinerary, you should contact us as soon as possible in writing via email. We will try to accommodate your wishes however we cannot guarantee to do so and you will be liable for any additional costs incurred.

If it is not possible for us to make a requested change more than 30 days in advance of the start date of your travel, you may elect to proceed with the tour as originally booked, or of cancelling and paying cancellation charges as provided below.


If you decide to leave a tour on your own, Morocco Touring will not refund any portion of the funds. Money meant for what is described in the program: meals, transport, accommodations, sightseeing or any other service that the client does not wish to do it not be returned. Morocco Touring does not insure missed flights or anything dealing with your travel to Morocco. Morocco Touring is not responsible for any expenses that you may have as a result of your trip, such as losing documents, missed flights or change of flights.

Should you elect to deviate from your scheduled itinerary any additional expense incurred as a result of any such change shall immediately paid by you.   No refund will be made for any unused, pre-booked portion of your tour.


Prices quoted are based on costs and exchange rates as known at the time of preparing your tour. We reserve the right to make changes to and correct errors in quoted prices at any time before your tour is confirmed.

Price increases beyond our control levied after booking up to 2% of the cost of the holiday will be absorbed by us and amounts in excess of this may be surcharged to you.  Should the increase be in excess of 10% surcharge of the cost of the tour the lead passenger would have the right to cancel within 14 days of the invoice and receive a full refund of all monies you have paid to us (except for any previously levied amendment or cancellation charges).


If we have to cancel the trip for any reasons beyond our own control, i.e. Force Majeure e.g. act of God, natural or industrial disasters, political or civil instability or terrorism etc., the deposit and any other costs (e.g. flight ticket, insurance, vaccination) incurred in connection to your planned travel will not be reimbursed.


If you wish to cancel a tour, please inform Morocco Touring as soon as possible by email.  Morocco Touring has a 30 day non-refundable cancellation policy from the start date of your tour. When a client requests changes or cancels a trip, we will try our best of our ability to accommodate him or her.


Any cancellation of part or the entire booking must be notified to us in writing by the lead passenger.  The following charges will usually be made by us, based on the date (of the working day in working hours) on which we first receive your cancellation in writing:

Deposit only: more than 56 days before departure

75% of total cost: 30 – 56 days before departure

100% of total cost: less than 30 days before departure

Deposits are not refundable in the event of cancellation by you except as set out in these Booking Conditions.


While we give you general advice to help minimize risk to you during your visit, we must advise you that all foreign travel is potentially hazardous and involves an element of personal risk.  You specifically acknowledge that Morocco Touring, its staff and agents carry no liability for any loss, damage, injury, expense, delay or inconvenience arising from any hazard or risk.

Save as specifically undertaken in these booking conditions, all other terms, conditions, warranties, representations and guarantees, whether express or implied, by statute or law or otherwise, including those relating to quality or fitness for purpose, are hereby excluded insofar as they are capable of such exclusion.


As a tour operator, Morocco Touring endeavors to ensure that all parts of the holiday we have agreed to arrange, perform or provide as part of our contract with you are performed or provided with reasonable skill and care. We act only as an agent and cannot be held responsible for the actions of carriers, property owners, providers or organizers of activities, guides, and transport. We are not responsible for events outside our reasonable control or if there has been no fault by Morocco Touring.

Please note, we cannot accept responsibility for any services which do not form part of our contract. This includes, for example, any additional services or facilities which your hotel or any other supplier agrees to provide for you where the services or facilities are not included in the cost of your itinerary and we have not agreed to arrange them. In addition, regardless of any wording used by us on our website, in any of our brochures or elsewhere, we only promise to use reasonable skill and care as set out above and we do not have any greater or different liability to you.

We will pay reasonable compensation which will be limited to the amount paid to us by you for that portion of the tour unless there is no fault on our part.  Please note that we assume no liability whatsoever for illness, personal injury, death or loss incurred during your trip.


You agree to abide by the laws of Morocco and understand that should you choose to break those laws, we will not be responsible for your safety or rescue. Should you choose to break the law and this comes to the attention of the guide or driver, you will be asked to leave the trip immediately and you are then responsible for your own costs, transportation and accommodation.

You accept the booking with us on the understanding that potential alterations/delays may arise due to factors beyond our control for which we accept no responsibility.  Should you miss joining any activity no refund will be given.


By booking with us, you acknowledge that the holiday may involve its own inherent risks and dangers due to difficult climate and terrain (e.g. Atlas Mountains, Sahara Desert) and the type of activities (e.g. trekking, camel riding) selected. In choosing to undertake such tours you acknowledge that they may involve a significant amount of inherent personal risk. These include injury, disease, loss or damage to property, inconvenience and discomfort.

Bookings are accepted by Morocco Touring on condition that all persons traveling are physically and mentally fit and are able to cope reasonably with the demands of the holiday, without external help. If any party member has any medical problem or disability which may affect your tour, the lead client must tell us before he/she confirms your booking so that we can advise as to the suitability of the chosen arrangements. In any event, the lead client must give us full details in writing at the time of booking.

You must also notify us of any changes or deterioration in the disability or medical condition or development of any disability or medical condition after booking.

Any client affected by a disability or medical condition must also ensure they have notified this to their travel insurers and that their travel insurance will cover it. As it is a condition of booking that all clients have adequate and appropriate travel insurance, we are entitled to insist on evidence that the disability or medical condition is covered.

In view of the nature of some of the holidays (trekking, horse and camel riding, white water rafting etc.) and locations some of which are in excess of 2000 meters we regret we must reserve the right to decline any booking or cancel (in the event of the development, deterioration or change of any disability or medical condition occurring after confirmation) whenever we reasonably feel unable to accommodate the needs or restrictions of any particular client or where, in our reasonable opinion, the medical condition or disability of the client concerned is likely to have a significant adverse effect on other clients taking the same holiday. We further reserve the right to cancel any holiday and impose cancellation charges if we are not fully advised of any relevant disability or medical condition at the time the booking is made and/or promptly notified of any development, change or deterioration occurring after booking. On occasions, the decision to cancel can only be made at the time the person concerned joins the tour as it may only be apparent at this stage that their disability or medical condition cannot be accommodated.

If undisclosed or understated conditions result in activities being missed, no refund will be forthcoming.


Your air travel will be booked independently of any booking with us. We have no involvement and accept no liability for this element of your tour and it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your air travel provider.


Please notify us in writing in advance of the tour regarding any illness and/or disability that may affect your ability to take part in your chosen tour.  • You must notify us in writing of any disability/illness, past or present that may affect your ability to take part in a tour with us. You accept at your own risk, and understand, the risks inherent in outdoors & adventure travel in a developing country.


You are responsible for all personal property & travel documentation during the tour and we accept no liability whatsoever in this regard.  You accept responsibility for looking after your personal property & travel documentation during the tour.


Each passenger is responsible for his own luggage. The luggage at the airport, during any air travel, in coaches, in any train journey, at immigration points etc., is the sole responsibility of the passenger.  The tips for services rendered to carry guest/s baggage to the rooms are guest/s responsibility and have to be paid directly to the service provider. The “porter” or any helper arranged by the guest/s at any train stations, airports, at immigration points or any other place, is the sole responsibility of the guest/s and guest/s shall have to pay tip directly to them.


The standard of accommodation varies according to the standards available in Morocco and should be judged according to local standards.  Should you have any question or doubt regarding the suitability of your particular accommodations to your own requirements, you should make an inquiry to us in writing. We will attempt to meet your reasonable requests but they cannot be guaranteed and/or such requests may result in an increase in price.  Hotels, riads, and guesthouses are booked according to availability and may be changed for a hotel, riad, or guesthouse of a similar standard.  We will inform you of a variety of choices and advise if any additional fee is required if you choose alternative accommodations.


Please inform us at the time of booking about any special requirements you may have such as dietary requirements, bed sizes, etc.  We will do our best to meet your requests to the extent they are available in Morocco but we cannot guarantee them.  If there are special requests we are unable to meet, we will advise you in writing prior to booking your trip.  No compensation will be paid if such requests cannot be fulfilled.


On shared tours i.e. you ask us to advertise seats and we sell them or you buy seats on an advertised tour, neither party has the right to amend the tour itinerary without the consent of everyone on the tour.  Should someone on the trip become sick for any reason, and the tour cannot continue as planned, no compensation will be paid and additional costs may be incurred as a result i.e. extra nights in a hotel.

Private Group Bookings are a group booking price based on the number of seats confirmed on the tour.  A change in the number of people travelling, i.e. through cancellation of one seat or more, will affect the amount to be paid by the remaining members of the group.


Please be advised that drivers cannot legally act as a guide in the cities such as Marrakech and Fes.    We will hire local city guides licensed by the Ministry of Tourism for walking tours.  Your driver can however accompany you outside of the vehicle in the countryside for example during a tour between Marrakech and Casablanca.  In the desert we hire a local camel guide who is knowledgeable of the desert and handling camels.  If there is a break in a tour for free day(s) with no vehicle and driver, we cannot guarantee the same driver after the break.  Likewise, we cannot guarantee the same driver for airport transfers.

Wearing seat belts is compulsory in Morocco and for your safety you should use them.  If you choose not to wear them, and the police stop the vehicle, you will be asked to pay the fine in fairness to the driver.

We reserve the right to swap a driver at any time for reasons beyond our control.


Without assuming any liability whatsoever, if we are informed at the time of booking of a guest with special needs, a disabled person, or a senior citizen, we will make reasonable attempts to accommodate these guests. However, most transportation services are not equipped with wheelchair ramps.  A physically capable companion must accompany a guest who requires special assistance.


In the event of medical emergencies, to the extent possible, we will transport the injured party to the nearest clinic or hospital in Morocco. If the injured person is not able to make medical decisions, then a family member, travel partner, emergency contact, or member of Morocco Touring team may do so. Where feasible, we will attempt to contact the insurance provider on client’s behalf. Should a client required to be medically evacuated from Morocco, the client would be required to have travel insurance to arrange and cover such evacuation.


The itineraries on our website are correct at the time of printing.  Our intent is to adhere to the routes as described.  However, given that for example weather conditions may be unpredictable or roads may be blocked routes may need to be modified for your safety as circumstances permit.

The descriptions/documents provided should be regarded as a general guide but any specific mention of a highlight in the tour by no means guarantees that they will be encountered.

Please note that travel times and length of the tours are approximations.


The information provided in our site or literature has been compiled with reasonable care to the best of our knowledge. Any information or advice provided by us on matters such as permits, visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage, special equipment, etc. is given in good faith but without responsibility on the part of us, and the passenger accepts responsibility for obtaining any necessary visas and travel documents required for the tour.


We make thorough checks of the information provided on our web site about accommodation, resorts, itineraries etc., to ensure it is correct at the time it is published.  However, please note that suppliers may wish to change their facilities; be subject to staff changes; or even close. Tour or excursion itineraries may change as a result of local conditions or holidays. Circumstances such as the foregoing, or weather conditions, time of year etc., may cause some of the amenities we have described to be unavailable or different from those advertised on our web site.


We take appropriate security measures to ensure the protection of the information you provide us when processing your booking.  We may need to provide some information regarding your tour to relevant suppliers such as, hotels and transport companies, including information regarding details of any disabilities or dietary/religious requirements. We will only provide information on an as needed basis.  We will not forward any information to anyone who is not responsible for part of your travel arrangements. We are unable to make a booking if we cannot pass the necessary information to the relevant suppliers.  By booking with Morocco Touring, you consent to this information being passed on to the relevant parties.


Given the nature of our tours, under certain circumstances (for example adverse weather conditions) we may need to modify the existing itinerary of your tour.  In this case, we will advise you as soon as we become aware of any such situation.  We will make reasonable efforts to keep your itinerary as similar as possible to the original itinerary.  Your safety is important to us.

We may be required to change, modify, alter or cancel your tour arrangements in the event of Force Majeure.  Force Majeure shall mean an event or circumstance not within the control, directly or indirectly of Morocco Touring thereby affecting its ability to perform its obligations with respect to any tour including: war, hostilities invasion, act of foreign enemies, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power or civil war, epidemic, explosion, fire, flood, earthquake or other exceptional natural calamity and act of God, ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive toxic explosive, or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component of such assembly, riot, terrorist activity, commotion or disorder, any act or omission of any government body, strikes, lock outs or other industrial disturbances (e.g. with a third party who’s services we use and may affect the tour arrangements), abnormal weather or sea conditions including tempest, lightning, hurricane, typhoon, rain & temperatures.

In the event of a Force Majeure neither the client nor Morocco Touring shall be liable to each other in connection therewith.  We may offer you an alternative tour at another date but you shall be responsible for any and all costs incurred as a result of any such changes, including but not limited to flights, hotels, etc.  If we cancel a tour for any reason other than Force Majeure, you will receive a full refund from us.  No further compensation will be payable by us.


Should you have a complaint with respect to any of the tour arrangements you should immediately contact your driver, hotel, or guide in order that we can make efforts to resolve the issue as soon as possible.  Your failure to bring the complaint to our attention at the time the matter occurs will likely affect any claim you bring against us.  A direct complaint can made to Morocco Touring via email to

In the event that immediate resolution is not possible, to be admissible, you must contact us in writing via email to detailing the nature of the complaint within a reasonable period of time no longer than fourteen (14) days after the completion date of the tour.

Morocco Touring and you agree that only the commercial court of Ouarzazate located in Morocco shall be the sole and exclusive court with respect to any proceeding or claim.  You and we consent to submit to personal jurisdiction in Ouarzazate, Morocco and waive the right to challenge or bring a claim in any other jurisdiction.

You and we agree that Moroccan law shall govern to any dispute, claim or other matter of any description that arises between us (except as set out below). We both also agree that any such dispute, claim or other matter (whether or not involving any personal injury) must be dealt by the Courts of Morocco.

You accept and agree that you have read the above terms and conditions (a copy of which will also be sent on the confirmation of your booking) and agree to be bound by them.  You further agree that by booking with Morocco Touring, you agree to accept all of the risks involved in travelling and shall take full responsibility for, including but not limited to, your actions, conduct, failure to act, negligence, etc.

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