The Moroccan Tagine

Tagine, as it is pronounced in the countries of the Maghreb, is at the same time the name of clay vessels and the Maghreb food that you bring in from the Arab Maghreb and is considered one of the most famous traditional dishes in Algeria and Morocco and the traditional tagine pot is entirely made of heavy clay Sometimes it is frilled or glazed. It consists of two parts, the base is flat by a slightly raised circular, and the lid is a cone-shaped dome that is placed on the base during cooking. The lid is thus designed to push the evaporated broth to the bottom. The base is designed to be used as a serving dish when the lid is removed from it and is one of the most important monuments of the Maghreb.

     Reason of Calling

He testified in the book “The language of the Arabs” that the word “tagine” is Arabic “Tajn: the tagline: the fried, which is in Persian, repentance. In the good trilogy, and we found it used, some are Arab and others are Arabized, so that is expressed in their saying: the Tanah of a well-known country, and they’re saying on the floor on which the tender meat is fried, and a minority in shreds and the general says tajnat. The origin of the words of the Arabs.

The tagine is a pot and a dish and brings it to low heat for several hours, which leads to the separation of the meat from the bone and the flavor of the vegetables mixing with the meat and broth. The lid has a handle that one hand can easily lift to add ingredients, spices, or broth if necessary.

      Storie of Tagine

The Moroccan tagine is the most famous, but have you looked at the history of this typical traditional dishes and researched its origins and the development of its method of presentation, and the flavors that are used in its cuisine?

Until it becomes a secret that the chefs of the world are looking for, and eager to eat it by tourists from all countries, let’s look at the origins of this dish The famous Moroccan and its most famous types.

According to historians, this dish has its origins in the original Berber civilization that inhabited North Africa, from Egypt to Morocco. This perhaps explains the presence of this dish in Egypt also in the name of “tagine”. While it spreads widely in Algeria and Tunisia, and in Morocco in particular. This dish has also expanded its presence in the Persian Gulf region and in the most prestigious restaurants in the world.

     Where to buy pot « TAGINE »?

You may have asked this question until you move on to something else that is important to people interested in the Tagine.

Pot the tagine is currently available on more than one website, the most famous of which is Amazon, but if you want to buy a pot TAGINE, it is advised that the clay pot is made because the cooking on the clay pot is healthy and gives TAGINE eaters unparalleled pleasure. Maybe the price is high, but you will forget it at first when you eat tagine, especially the world-famous Moroccan and its types and qualities.

       What after I buy a TAGINE Pot?

In the Moroccan market we find three varieties of tagine, here are some information and advice about the use of tagine and how to prepare it for use after purchase:

     The glazed and decorated pottery tagine

 It is used as a serving dish and does not cook on theirs.  It is advisable to heat it in the oven or by pouring hot water inside it, before serving it, so that it remains hot.  It is also used as a decoration to decorate kitchens and salons.

    Polished clay tagine

Used for cooking on charcoal or gas stove, and in the latter case, the fire must be very quiet with a plate of metal placed under the tagine, to distribute heat evenly and avoid cracking the tagine during cooking.

    Pottery tagine

 Requires special preparation before first use (for cooking).

When buying tagine soak in water for three days and then remove and allow it to dry completely.  After that, you pour an abundant amount of oil in it and leave it absorbed for another three days. The excess oil is removed and the tajin is washed before use.  Water protects the tagine from cracking during cooking, and the oil reduces the sticking of ingredients to the bottom of the tagine.

Tips :

For more flavors and to protect the ingredients from sticking during cooking, put the sticks of coriander, parsley or onion circles on the bottom of the tagine and then smash the pieces of meat and vegetables on top.

During cooking, when adding water or broth, they should be hot.

Now you know the story of the tagine and why it was called the tagline?  Where do you buy it?  What do you do after you buy it?

All of this was only an introduction until you started learning the preparation of a Moroccan tagine.

The best ideal conditions for preparing Tagine are the availability of a Pot of clay, charcoal, casserole accessories and cooking it in the open air.

If such conditions are not available, there is no reason not to prepare the Tagine, perhaps later, but start with what you have most important now for you is learning to prepare the Tagine and then you will become a professional for why not.

In this book I will show you the recipes, but please focus on one recipe and prepare it more than once and then you can transfer to other recipes.

Learning to prepare a tagine wants patience because it takes time to prepare it because the secret of the tagine is to cook it on a little fire.

The ingredients of the tagine are three in most recipes, meat (fish, chicken, beef, goats …), vegetables, spices, and it is preferred in Moroccan cooking to use olive oil in place of synthetic oil.

     Chicken Tagine with  Vegetables (Pumpkins and Carrots)

Morocco Chicken Tagine with Vegetables, one of the ideal recipes in the winter that makes you warm in addition to being very tasty and easy to prepare as it is a broth containing chicken and a mixture of vegetables such as pumpkin and carrots along with chickpeas and other delicious spices.


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 sliced chicken breast
  • ½ onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 peeled and chopped hazelnut
  • 1 can (450 g) chickpeas
  • 1 carrot, peeled and chopped
  • 1 can (410 g) diced tomatoes with juice
  • 1 can (390 g) vegetable broth
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon of dried coriander and Pinch red hot pepper

How to Prepare

Heat olive oil in a Pot tagine over medium heat, add chicken, onion, and garlic and stir for 15 minutes until the onions acquire a brown color and cook the chicken.

Put the chopped pumpkin, chickpeas, carrots and tomatoes with juice, vegetable broth, sugar and lemon juice in the pot tagine, then stir until well mixed, then sprinkle salt, dry coriander and hot red pepper and stir until the ingredients acquire all the flavors.

Leave the broth until it boils and continue to cook the ingredients for 30 minutes until the vegetables are tender and tender, so the dish is ready to serve.

When cooking it is preferable to leave the tagine bowl closed with a small air inlet

     Moroccan tagine with vegetables and sardines


  • One and a half kilos of fish (sardines)
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 3 potatoes
  • 2 sweet peppers
  • 2 hot peppers
  • 2 head garlic Coriander or metal (parsley)
  • 1 Grain of sour
  • Seasoning :
  • ginger
  • Food coloring
  • Paprika
  • salt
  • A little olive oil and table oil
  • A small glass of water

How to prepare

We start We put in the tagine minced onions, olive oil and table oil a little minced garlic then let fry well add the potato cubes or a circle then add a circular pepper then add a circular tomato

wash the fish well then put a medium in it including for the Cumin seed plot, then add the minced garlic, coriander and minced then mix well and put them in the middle of the fish

In the second part of the fish, we put spices in a glass of water, then add to the tagine and put on the included fish, then on the chili We close the tagine and let cook once cooked, served with health and Comfort.

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