Is There a Coronavirus Risque Visiting Morocco?

Til Now march 2020, there are no Coronavirus risques visiting Morocco, they found two cases in Morocco, and regarding to the latest news, Morocco has a high-temperature which makes the infection of the virus very rare, the cases found in Morocco were coming from Italy, they didn’t get infected inside Morocco but outside, in the other hand, we can’t deny that we need to take the precautions against the Coronavirus, especially if you are going to stay in crowded cities such as Casablanca or Tanger, the thing is very limited in small cities.

Researchers currently estimate that between 5-40 cases in every 1000 people diagnosed with the Coronavirus disease will result in death. This reflects a 1% chance of dying from the virus if contracted.

The director of the World Health Organisation has stated that “globally, about 3.4% of reported Covid-19 cases have died” which doesn’t raise a significant cause for concern, as is certainly not described as pandemic level, where the virus would rapidly make its way across the world at an alarming rate.

The first confirmed coronavirus case in Morocco was on the 2nd of March, with two Moroccan nationals who had returned to Casablanca, where they contracted the virus on a trip to Italy. As the number of those infected in Morocco is incredibly low, and considering that the virus has infected 95,000 people globally, only taking the lives of 3,200, Moroccans should not be taking any particular special precautions for staying safe.

  Despite the WHO declaring this an international health emergency, raising the risk to “very high”, nonetheless Moroccans need not worry as those tested positive are being quarantined and treated accordingly. Advice for the general population of Morocco to keep safe during this outbreak of COVID-19 is as follows:

· Wash your hands with soap and water as often as you can – do this for at least 20 seconds

· Always wash your hands when you get home

· Use hand sanitizer gel when soap and water are not available. Try to find one that has more than 60% alcohol content. 

· Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze

· Dispose of used tissues straight away and wash your hands afterward

· Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth when your hands are not clean

We will keep you updated with the latest news regarding the spread of the Coronavirus disease and any important updates from the World Health Organisation as well as reports issued by the Moroccan government regarding the outbreak of this disease. 

so these are much advice we give you to protect yourself against it :

Drinking water every 15 minutes

Heat and avoiding ice cream

Drinkable silver

Home-made hand sanitizer

and most importantly pick a good tour agency that they are aware of this Coronavirus and good hygiene.

We recommend Morocco Touring travel agency, if you have any questions please contact us

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